Thursday, January 23, February 27, & March 27 St. Andrew Parish Center In his first encyclical, Pope Benedict XVI helps to clarify the meaning of love. He examines the nature of various kinds of love. Human love and divine love, eros, friendship, and charity. He writes beautifully and inspirationally of how man was made for love by the God who is love, the God who became one of us out of love: Jesus Christ. In the second part of the encyclical, Benedict addresses the Church's practice of love. He examines the relationship between justice and charity, as well as the call of every Catholic to serve others in love. The Pope's "love letter" to mankind is remarkably accessible and timely. – summary from Formed
All sessions will be held in the St. Christopher Parish Center from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm. Please be prepared for the discussion by doing the reading assignments before each session.
Thursday, January 23 Introduction & Part 1: The Unity of Love in Creation and in Salvation History
Thursday, February 27 Part 2: Caritas: The Practice of Love by the Church as a “Community of Love”
Thursday, March 27 Conclusion
The encyclical is available as an audiobook and ebook on Formed, as a printable PDF through the Vatican or from Amazon in a regular print book format. Questions? Contact Cathy at [email protected]