We invite you to explore our many pastorate activities and ministries. Click below to learn more about each opportunity.
For more information, please contact the Parish Office corresponding with each site where the group is based.
Carefree Years (55+)
Location: St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church
Carefree Years is a group for men and women who are at least 55-years-old. Social, educational, and recreational activities take place between September and June. Learn more
Catholic Mindset Coaching
Location: St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church
In our parish, Catholic Mindset Coaching provides opportunities for individual coaching, in person or via Zoom, as well as group human formation workshops throughout the year.
A Catholic Mindset Coach is a valuable resource to help you become aware of your interior life and your thoughts. A coach has the skills to identify limiting beliefs, thought errors, identity lies, and to help you grow in integrity. Coaching will also help you grow in problem solving and remove or bypass obstacles that keep you from choosing God’s plan for your life.
As a Certified Catholic Coach, Teresa Whipple can assist you in understanding, discerning your thoughts, and using reason to help you maximize your God-given gifts and potential. Contact Teresa at [email protected].
Council of Catholic Women
Location: St. Christopher Catholic Parish
St. Christopher Council of Catholic Women (CCW) includes all women 18 years of age and older who are members of the Catholic Church. The CCW is very active in parish activities, raising funds for our church and the needs of other groups associated with our parish and the Diocese of Madison. Learn more
Families with Young Children
Location: St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church
Join other families with young children for faith and fellowship. This is a great way to meet other parents to form friendships, prayer groups, or play groups. Learn more
Knights of Columbus
Location: St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church and St. Christopher Catholic Parish
The Knights of Columbus is a group of Catholic men focused on serving our parish and community. Learn more
Rangers Club - Fathers and Sons
Location: St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church
Rangers Club is a Catholic based group for fathers and sons (grades K-5) which strives to develop moral virtues in young boys through simple talks and fun activities. Fathers will receive practical advice on developing character in their sons. Events include a virtue talk, competitive activity, snacks, and socializing. For more information and upcoming events, contact Brian at [email protected].
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Location: St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church and St. Christopher Catholic Parish
Our mission is to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Our primary outreach is to visit with families newly transitioning out of homelessness, providing blankets, furniture, groceries and other necessities. Learn more
Young Adults (20s & 30s)
Location: St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church
Join other young adults in their 20s and 30s, whether single or married, for faith formation, social events, and volunteering opportunities. Learn more
Youth Ministry (Middle & High School)
Location: St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church and St. Christopher Catholic Parish
Our Youth Ministry program offers opportunities for middle and high school students to encounter Christ through prayer, sacrament, and service. Learn more
Dogma & Donuts
Location: St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church
All are invited to join SMG's Dogma & Donuts group. We meet in the Bride's Room every Thursday from 7-8 a.m. where we study the Catholic faith and revealed truth. Currently, we are studying the classic four volume set of City of God. For more information, contact Pat Bushek at 608-444-9777.
Encounter Night
Location: St. Christopher Catholic Parish
For the past three years, we have been delighted to offer a new faith experience for all ages called Encounter Night. At each Encounter Night there will be great music, Adoration, an opportunity for Confession, intercessory prayer, personal testimony, and a short preaching. Come rest and be filled by Christ. Learn more
Small Groups
Location: St. Christopher Catholic Parish
Small Groups make our large parish feel smaller and allow for real, Christ-centered relationships to develop. Small Groups meet in people’s homes or somewhere around town – because meeting Christ does not only happen at church. At each meeting, groups pray together, read and discuss God’s Word in the Bible, and encourage each other to follow Christ more deeply – all while surrounded by an atmosphere of trust and friendship. If you would like to join a Small Group, please contact the Parish Office or ask a group leader when their next meeting is and jump in.
Summer Book Club
Location: St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church
Everyone is invited to join our Summer Book Club. Copies of the book are available in the church corridor and discussions are held in July and August. Learn more
Thursday Morning Bible Study
Location: St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church
Join fellow school parents and parishioners on Thursdays, after the 8 a.m. school Mass, in prayer and fellowship to study the upcoming Sunday Mass readings. Young children are welcome to tag along. We'll meet in the back area of the Parish Hall. For more information, contact Katie Christensen at [email protected] or 630-776-3092.
Women’s Bible Study
Location: St. Christopher Catholic Parish
Discussions are a combination of Mind and Heart. This includes reviewing context of Bible passages, connections between the New and Old Testament, the original Greek words, etc, as well as sharing how we live out our faith through our discussions of the Bible passages. We meet each Thursday morning in the Parish Center. For more information, contact Laura Zakrzewski at [email protected].
Location: St. Christopher Catholic Parish
Veritas is a discussion group hosted by the Young Adults to learn about the truth. We meet on the fourth Monday of the month at 7 p.m. in Room 6 at St. Andrew. We will be studying St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae using the Aquinas 101 videos. Each session starts with watching the videos and then we discuss them, so no work ahead of time is needed. For more information, contact Hannah at [email protected].
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Homebound
Location: St. Christopher Catholic Parish
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the homebound bring communion to those who are not able to be with us at Mass due to illness or other circumstances that make it difficult to be present. For more information, contact Anita Schmidt at [email protected].
Grief Ministry
Location: St. Christopher Catholic Parish
No matter how recent or far in the past you have lost a loved one, please know that St. Christopher Parish continues to pray for you. Along with prayers, we occasionally offer a support series, typically during Lent, when individuals can gather to share their experiences, pray, and grieve together. Share your experience only as you feel comfortable. For more information, contact Audrey Janssen at 608-845-3003 or [email protected].
Liturgical Ministries
Location: St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church and St. Christopher Catholic Parish
Serving in a liturgical ministry supports the priest's role as presider and the prayer of the congregation as the Mystical Body of Christ. There are many opportunities to serve in a ministry either behind the scenes or during the Mass. Learn more about the opportunities at St. Maria Goretti or St. Christopher.
Luke House Meal
Location: St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church
On the second Thursday of the month, St. Maria Goretti provides, prepares, and serves the meal at Luke House. Volunteers are needed to help serve the meal or to donate and prepare the food for the meal. Learn more
Mazzuchelli Care Team
Location: St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church
The Mazzuchelli Care Team reaches out to parishioners who are in nursing homes, assisted care facilities, or homebound. We make intentional efforts, through ongoing visits, to maintain their association with SMG, and, more importantly, to provide fellowship. Learn more
Music Ministries
Location: St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church and St. Christopher Catholic Parish
As ministers of the word through music, the music ministry is dedicated to providing leadership in the worship of God through song. We encourage you to consider being a part of this rewarding ministry. Learn more about the opportunities at St. Maria Goretti or St. Christopher.
1% Challenge
Location: St. Christopher Catholic Parish
Did you know that 1% of each day is about 15 minutes? How you spend that time could change the trajectory of your life. Daily prayer is something many of us would like to incorporate into our lives. Let this be the time you decide to make that commitment. The rest and silence of prayer with Scripture brings so many benefits to our lives and relationships. Check out the One Percent Challenge to learn more about prayer. You won’t regret it!
Charismatic Prayer Group
Location: St. Christopher Catholic Parish
This group meets every Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. at St. Christopher Parish and is devoted to honoring Jesus Christ with times of prayer, praise, singing, and worship. Group members are open to the gifts of the Holy Spirit and sharing what the Lord has done and is doing in their lives. Each meeting ends with a time of intercession. Come and see. For more information, contact Shirley Ring at 608-848-4924 or 608-515-6859 (cell).
Divine Mercy Cenacle @ SMG
Location: St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church
“Cenacle” is a word for the upper room where Jesus’ apostles gathered together in prayer with His Mother Mary, and the Holy Spirit powerfully descended upon them. We gather together to read St. Faustina’s Diary and to learn more about her work informing people of Christ’s Mercy, to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and to say the rosary and prayers of the Marian Movement of Priests Prayer Cenacle. We meet on Wednesday mornings after the 8 a.m. Mass from 8:45 to 9:45 a.m. in the Church Conference Room. For more information, please contact Ela Murzynski at [email protected] or Mary Graper at [email protected].
Divine Mercy Cenacle @ SCP
Location: St. Christopher Catholic Parish
Divine Mercy Cenacle members learn more about Jesus through St. Faustina’s visions and work to become more holy. Members follow a chapter in The Divine Mercy Cenacle Formation Manual, which involves reading passages from St. Faustina’s Diary, Scripture, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. We pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy together at the end of each session, raising our petitions to God. We meet usually twice per month, on a rotating basis at one another’s homes. For more information, contact Lisa Keen at [email protected].
Eucharistic Adoration @ SMG
Location: St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church
We are blessed at SMG to have Eucharistic Adoration offered every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the church. This is a beautiful ministry of adoration and prayer before the Real Presence of Christ, which forms a continuous devotion on behalf of the whole parish. For more information or to become a weekly adorer, please see Eucharistic Adoration.
24-hour Adoration Vigil @ SCP
Location: St. Christopher Catholic Parish
We will hold 24-hour Eucharistic Adoration vigils at St. Andrew Church on the first Friday of every month from 9 a.m. on Friday to 8 a.m. on Saturday. It's a time to offer Him our petitions, concerns, troubles, joys, gratitude, disappointments, needs, and aspirations. For more information or to sign up to spend a Holy Hour with our Lord, please see 24-hour Adoration Vigil.
Family Adoration Hour
Location: St. Christopher Catholic Parish
As part of the parish’s 24-hour Adoration Vigil, held on the first Friday of the month, there is a Family Adoration Hour from 5 to 6 p.m. This is a holy hour set aside for families, particularly with young children, where more noise and movement is expected. There is a 30 minute program consisting of a rosary, reading of the upcoming Sunday Gospel, Divine Praises, and Tantum Ergo (prayers and song traditionally used during Benediction). Family Adoration is sometimes followed by a family meal sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. For more information, please contact Joy & Jonathan Valladares-Courmie at [email protected].
Prayer Line
Location: St. Christopher Catholic Parish
When the need of a parish member is known, word is spread through the Prayer Line. You can join the prayer line to pray for others, make a prayer request, or both. Learn more
Rosary Rose Groups
Location: St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church
Rosary Roses, also called Roses of The Living Rosary, is the community of people who support the life of the whole Church through their daily prayers of the Rosary. Each Rose has 20 people, each of whom recites one specific decade of a rosary daily. In this way the whole Rosary is recited every day.
At SMG, we currently have six Rosary Rose groups:
If you are interested in joining a Rosary Rose group, please contact Ela Murzynski at [email protected].
Seven Sisters Apostolate
Location: St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church and St. Christopher Catholic Parish
The Seven Sisters Apostolate is a call to strengthen the Church by ensuring that a Holy Hour is prayed each day of the week for the sole intention of our priests. Each woman commits praying a Holy Hour on a specific day of the week, thus covering a complete week. At our pastorate, two woman can also divide the Holy Hour. New members are always welcomed. If you are interested in praying for our priests through this Apostolate, contact Teresa Whipple at [email protected].
Widows of Prayer
Location: St. Christopher Catholic Parish
The Widows of Prayer is a religious apostolate of the Catholic Church, meeting, praying and working together for mutual support and common prayer for the Catholic Church and its leaders. Our Charism is to serve Christ through His Church by praying for priests and others in Church leadership, to be devoted to the Blessed Sacrament and to promote the adoration of Christ in the Eucharist. Devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Monica (Mother of St. Augustine), and St. Elizabeth of Hungry. Anyone is invited to join us following the Thursday morning Mass (about 9 a.m.) for the rosary. For more information, contact Sue Barker at 608-845-8086 or [email protected].
Facilities and Grounds Committee @ SMG
Location: St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church
The Facilities and Grounds Committee works to develop, manage, maintain, repair, and remodel St. Maria Goretti Parish in a manner that glorifies Jesus Christ in service to the community. This group primarily consists of individuals that have expertise in the area of electrical, plumbing, HVAC, carpentry, construction, horticulture, landscaping, and other areas of maintenance. For more information, contact Todd Plumley at [email protected].
Building and Grounds Committee @ SCP
Location: St. Christopher Catholic Parish
The Building and Grounds Committee is comprised of individuals who help keep our parish building and grounds in pristine condition by assisting with various projects or offering a particular skill (carpentry, plumbing, etc.), as needed. For more information, contact Bob Shunk at [email protected].
Parish Finance Council
Location: St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church and St. Christopher Catholic Parish
The Parish Finance Council assists the pastor in the administration of the parish’s financial resources and assets, so as to ensure the ability to provide for the pastoral needs and priorities of the parish. Members are appointed by the pastor, often for their expertise and integrity in the areas of finance, law, human resources, insurance, building construction, or maintenance. For more information, contact the Parish Office.
At St. Christopher, meetings are typically held every other month. Council members include: Steve McKeon (Secretary), Jim Vesely, and Jim Delaney (Trustee).
Parish Life Commission
Location: St. Christopher Catholic Parish
The purpose of the Parish Life Commission is to help foster fellowship, provide hospitality, and build strong community throughout the parish. Much of this work is done through parish events and gatherings. As a group we share the responsibilities when it comes to organizing, promoting, and staffing events. We are always looking for new members and typically have one planning meeting a month.
Our Events:
For more information or to join our group, contact Matt Krippner at [email protected].
Location: Divine Mercy Pastorate
The Pastoral Council is an elected group of nine active members of Divine Mercy Pastorate that serves as an advisory board to the Pastor and acts as an intermediary with various groups and committees within the parish.
The main purpose is to help the Pastor align the mission of the parish with diocesan norms and to carry the church forward through changes in the community. The function of a Pastoral Council is to advise, assist and support the Pastor, and through him the members of his Parish Staff, in the accomplishment of agreed-upon pastoral objectives.
All parishioners are welcome to observe Pastoral Council meetings. For more information or to be added to a future meeting agenda, contact the Parish Office.
2024-2025 Council Members: