Young Adults at a lookout on their outing at Devil’s Lake State Park.
Fellowship is something I am always thinking about, especially as the Young Adults group aims to have a monthly social event. Our outings - hikes, barbecues, bonfires, holiday parties, and more - may include a gathering and mealtime prayer, but do they truly draw us closer to Christ? Can a bunch of young adults and young families really grow in their faith by tromping through the woods together or just hanging out? In Ephesians 5:4, Saint Paul tells us to avoid silly talk, and in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 he tells us to pray without ceasing. Does chatting around a bonfire fulfill these directives?
Having seen firsthand the Christ-centered friendships forged around a grill or on a trail, I can confirm that the fellowship built through our social events is indeed beneficial. There is room for improvement - maybe we tolerate more silly talk than Saint Paul would approve of, for instance. But after a unique and challenging period of isolation during the pandemic, fellowship is exactly what we need.
Participation in a parish-affiliated group recognizes the fullness of the Greek koinonia, which can be translated as both “fellowship” and “Holy Communion.” We as Christians and humanity are all united - not in the hippie version usually rendered as “I just feel like we’re all connected by The Universe, man,” but rather in the Mystical Body of Christ. Fellowship gives us insight into the unique and beautiful journeys taken by our brothers and sisters as they seek Christ in His Church. This is not enough, though. Our friendships must call us to heartfelt support during inevitable hard times, joyful communal celebration of the Sacraments, and at times fraternal correction, accompanied by personal spiritual growth that can remove the beams from our own eyes first.
Fellowship, rightly ordered, can serve the role of a good marching song: keeping the corps in unison and attracting new members as the company moves toward that eternal shared destination, Heaven.
Be on the lookout for all kinds of Young Adult events that build fellowship: Packer tailgates, pilgrimages, hikes, Bible studies, work days, Adoration, and bonfires. Find us on Facebook at St. Maria Goretti Young Adults, on the Young Adults webpage, or get in touch via email at [email protected].