Our mission is to be the hands and feet of Jesus. No need is foreign, and we are called to support our neighbors in times of need. We serve individuals and families struggling with poverty and homelessness in Southwest Madison.
Our primary outreach is to visit with families newly transitioning out of homelessness, providing blankets, furniture, groceries and other necessities. We also coordinate financial assistance to help overcome crises, including energy and rent assistance to alleviate the risk of homelessness.
Support Our Conference
Activities & Volunteer Opportunities
For more information about the SMG Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, please contact Marianne Adamczyk at [email protected] or 608-298-3370.
Support Our Conference
Conference Activities
For more information about the St. Christopher Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, please contact Laura Zakrzewski at [email protected].
Many other opportunities are available to support our neighbors in need by supporting the works of the Madison District Council, which is made up of the 19 Madison area conferences. Many of our members volunteer at the SVdP Food Pantry, Vinny’s Lockers and at the Lacy Food Pantry Garden. We would love to volunteer there with you. More information can be found at Society of St. Vincent de Paul - Madison.