Each parish ministry offers many opportunities to offer your time and talent in service to Christ and His Church through our parish. We invite you to sign up below to fulfill one of the current volunteer opportunities at our parish.
Location: St. Maria Goretti
Help with serving Coffee & Donuts following the 8:30 a.m. Sunday Mass. Learn more
Location: St. Maria Goretti
Help donate and prepare food and/or serve the meal at Luke House on the second Thursday of the month. Learn more
Location: St. Christopher
Help serve a community lunch at the Badger Prairie Needs Network on the third Saturday of the month.
Location: St. Maria Goretti
Help the Knights at the pancake breakfast on Sunday, April 21. Learn more
Additionally, our parish offers other ways to get involved through our parish groups and ministries. If you are interested in volunteering at St. Maria Goretti, please sign up for a new volunteer opportunity online. If you are interested in volunteering at St. Christopher, please see the time and talent form for additional volunteer opportunities.